NEVR3001 - Basal nevrovitenskap

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  • Institutt: Institutt for nevromedisin
  • Vurderingsform:: Skriftlig/muntlig eksamen (100 %)
  • Hjelpemiddelkode D: Ingen trykte eller håndskrevne hjelpemidler tillatt. Bestemt, enkel kalkulator tillatt.
  • Øvingsopplegg: Prosjektoppgave.

Om emnet

Begrenset opptak. Søknadsfrist 1. juni.

Faglig innhold

Mekanismer i det sentrale og det perifere nervesystemet.

Anbefalte forkunnskaper

NEVR2010 (Introduction to Neuroscience) eller tilsvarende.


There is no compulsory textbook, but students will be advised of recommended material


Eksamen i oktober.

NTNUs emnebeskrivelse

The course will introduce the student to the study of cellular and molecular mechanisms relevant to functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems, including mechanisms of synaptic plasticity. The course will also deal with signaling events in brain, receptors and transport systems for important neuroactive substances, and the function of the various cell types in brain. There will be a particular focus on excitatory and inhibitory signaling and its importance in normal functioning and diseases of the nervous system.


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